Ke Ma; Jiayang Lin; Ye Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 7384-7388, July 2021.
Publication year: 2021


Advanced loss characterizations of power semiconductor devices are becoming crucial for the reliability evaluation and improvement of power electronics systems. In this letter, a method based on an H-bridge testing circuit is proposed to reveal the statistical distribution of switching energy and on -state voltage of power semiconductor devices. This method includes a specially designed testing sequence for multiple devices under test, as well as the statistical representation of loss-related characteristics. By the proposed method, the loss-related characteristics of multiple transistors and freewheeling diodes can be evaluated in multiple times, and the testing conditions are closer to the working conditions of devices in practical use compared to the conventional double-pulse test. Based on the experimental results, the probability density function for the switching energy and on -state voltage can be further generated, which enables more correct prediction for the thermal and reliability performances of power semiconductor devices.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics ( Volume: 36, Issue: 7, July 2021)
Page(s): 7384 – 7388
Date of Publication: 15 December 2020 
ISSN Information:
Publisher: IEEE
 Funding Agency: