Jiashi Wang, Mengqi Xu, Yuhao Qi, Ke Ma, Cai Xu
Power Electronic Devices and Components, Volume 6, October 2023, 100044
Publication year: 2023


  • An over-current low voltage ride-through operation of grid connected converter is designed based on the maximum short-term capacity.
  • The maximum short-term capacity is designed to ensure the junction temperature of semiconductor devices in the converter under the reliable operation, which is calculated based on thermal analysis.

  • Different approaches to enhancing the maximum shortterm capacity is studied.

  • Maximum reactive power can be increased by decreasing the switching frequency of grid-connected converters and ignoring the limit of the junction temperature of diode. Under the selected case, the maximum reactive power increases by 4.07 times.


The grid-connected converters are becoming an important role in modern power grid. The grid codes have been proposed for the operation of grid-connected converters. The low voltage ride-through, namely one of the grid codes, is the operation of grid-connected converters under grid fault. The reactive power is generated by gird-connected converters to support grid under low voltage ride-through operation. However, the maximum reactive power is restricted by the capacity of converter, which is designed for long-term operation. Since the low voltage ride-through is a short-term operation, the maximum output reactive power can be enhanced. An over-current low voltage ride-through operation is proposed, and it is designed based on the maximum short-term capacity. The maximum short-term capacity is designed to ensure the junction temperature of semiconductor devices in the converter under the reliable operation, which is calculated based on thermal analysis. Furthermore, the different approaches to enhancing the maximum short-term capacity is analyzed.


Grid-connected converter, Gird fault, Low voltage ride-through, Thermal analysis